Yemen: Al-Qaeda attacks military checkpoint

(VOVworld) – A suspected Al-Qaeda attack on an army post in Hadramawt province in southeast Yemen on Friday killed 8 soldiers and injured at least 11 others.

Yemen: Al-Qaeda attacks military checkpoint - ảnh 1
Yemeni soldiers at a checkpoint in the southwestern port city of Aden

A military source said the attackers approached the position on board several vehicles and opened fire on the soldiers with different types of weapons, killing eight soldiers, including an officer in command of the checkpoint. Military reinforcements sent to the area came under fire from the militants and an unknown number were wounded. Four Al-Qaeda militants were killed and several wounded.

Friday's was the second major attack by Al-Qaeda militants on Yemeni troops army in three days. They claimed an assault on an army headquarters in a highly secure area of Aden the previous day.

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