Young physicians encouraged to contribute more to social security

(VOVWORLD) - Nguyen Anh Tuan, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union, has called on young physicians to improve their professional qualifications.
Young physicians encouraged to contribute more to social security  - ảnh 1At the National Congress  (Photo: Van Hiep/VNA) 

Addressing the fourth National Congress of the Vietnam Young Physicians’ Association for the 2020-2025 tenure in Hanoi on Sunday, Tuan underscored the importance of finding new treatment methods and applying advanced technologies in combination with traditional medicine.

He added that over the past term the Vietnam Young Physicians’ Association organized lots of programs nationwide where young physicians proved their role as a dynamic and creative force with high sense of responsibility and major contributions to social security and public health care.

At the congress themed “Young physicians voluntarily work for a strong Vietnam”, 10 outstanding young physicians of the year were honored.

