Youth Union plans to support youth start up

(VOVWORLD) - The 12th National Congress of Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union concluded on Friday.
Youth Union plans to support youth start up - ảnh 1Delegates to the congress take a group photo at the closing ceremony. (Photo:

The Union’s Secretary Nguyen Tuong Lam said at a press meeting on the same day that a project worth more than 600 million USD will be planned in the next term for youth startup.

“The congress document of the new term until 2027 has outlined a program to support young people in starting up business. To realize this action plan, the Youth Union will design a project to help youths in starting a business with specific solutions. The funding for the activity in the next term will be 636 million USD,” said Lam.

Nguyen Thai An, Head of the Youth Union’s Information and Education Commission, insisted that young people today have a new lifestyle and point of view that requires youth unions to promptly understand them.

“Second it’s necessary to promote the spirit of setting an example at all levels with focus on self-education,” said Thai An.

Bui Quang Huy, alternate member of the Party Central Committee and First Secretary of the 11th-tenure Youth Union Central Committee, was re-elected as First Secretary in the 12th tenure.

The Congress adopted a resolution with 3 major goals and 10 action programs for youth in the new term.

On Saturday, all subordinate Youth Union committees will hold a day of joint action to show their determination to carry out the congress’s resolution.


