Love for the homeland and the responsibility to protect national sovereignty

(VOVworld) – Elderly Khieu Kiem of Khmer ethnicity has been a role model in encouraging people to protect national border security in Kien Giang province. Kiem was among the more than 200 elderly people honored at a ceremony in Hanoi for their contributions to protecting national sovereignty and security.  

Love for the homeland and the responsibility to protect national sovereignty - ảnh 1

80-year-old Kiem was born and raised in Ha Tien town so he knows every road and route in the area. Because Ha Tien borders Cambodia, ensuring border security has always been a concern for local authorities. As head of Xa Xia hamlet’s Elderly Association, Kiem has been cooperating with the Ha Tien Elderly Association and the Border Guard Station to encourage local people to protect national border markers and ensure social security and order. He has also persuaded them to abide by party guidelines and state policies. Kiem says: “I must set an example for others to follow. People in my neighborhood are united and strangers will immediately be spotted and reported to local authorities.”

Because Kiem knows the local terrain, his information has been very helpful to border guards to ensure order and security in the area. Phu Van Moc, President of My Duc commune’s Elderly Association, says: “Kiem has been helping to mediate disputes and guarantee security and order in the locality. He has also been working with local police and border guards to protect national border security and sovereignty. He has encouraged the people to obey the law.”

Kiem has advised local people not to breach foreign waters for illegal exploitation of fisheries resources or be incited by hostile forces to sabotage the state. Kiem said that as an elderly person he must be a role model for his children to follow and that as long as he lives he will continue to help safeguard national border security and sovereignty.

