Vietnam ensures rights of ethnic groups

Vietnam ensures rights of ethnic groups

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam has seen much progress in promoting the rights of ethnic groups, said Y Thong, Deputy Minister and Vice Chairman of the Committee for Ethnic Minority Affairs at the ongoing 111th session...
Legitimate rights of workers ensured

Legitimate rights of workers ensured

(VOVWORLD) - The 13th Vietnam Trade Union Congress for the 2023-2028 tenure will take place from Friday to Sunday in Hanoi. This is an important political event for the working class and Vietnamese tradeunions...
Forum on voice of persons with disabilities opens

Forum on voice of persons with disabilities opens

(VOVWORLD) - Stories about life, difficulties to find jobs, vocational training, basic social services, and legitimate aspirations of persons with disabilities were shared at a forum in Hanoi on Wednesday
FDI in Vietnam rises nearly 15% in 11 months

FDI in Vietnam rises nearly 15% in 11 months

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam attracted more than 28.8 billion USD in Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in the past 11 months, up nearly 15% from the same period last year, according to...
Building a new, sustainable global food network

Building a new, sustainable global food network

(VOVWORLD) - The Global Food Security Summit in London on Monday focused on international efforts to apply technology and connect innovative ideas on agriculture to build a new, more sustainable global...