Terraced fields produce prosperous harvests

Terraced fields produce prosperous harvests

(VOVWORLD) - Most tourists already know about Ta Xua, the paradise of clouds, in Bac Yen district, Son La province. But travelling further into the mountains, tourists will arrive at a...
President hosts outgoing Indian Ambassador

President hosts outgoing Indian Ambassador

(VOVWORLD) - President Nguyen Xuan Phuc received Indian Ambassador Pranay Verma in Hanoi on Tuesday, lauding the outgoing diplomat’s contributions to the two countries’ cooperation in all aspects, especially during...
Long An exports durian via official channels

Long An exports durian via official channels

(VOVWORLD) - To produce durian qualified for export to potential markets, the agricultural sector and farmers in Long An province have been setting codes for growing areas, quality standards, and regulations on...
Wednesday August 17, 2022

Wednesday August 17, 2022

(VOVWORLD) -First, we’d like to welcome back Kevin Ryan of the UK to VOV. In his recent correspondence to VOV, Kevin wrote: “I've repaired my shortwave antenna and found your English program....