Women respond to Vietnam Ao Dai Week

Women respond to Vietnam Ao Dai Week

(VOVWORLD)-Vietnam Ao Dai Week, from March 1-8, has been welcomed enthusiastically across the country. The event rekindles the responsibility to preserve and promote national cultural heritage
Global energy issues

Global energy issues

(VOVWORLD) -Energy transition is now considered a global priority as the world steps up efforts to achieve climate goals. However, the move from fossil fuels to clean energy still faces...
French cruise ship visits Phu Quoc island

French cruise ship visits Phu Quoc island

(VOVWORLD) -French luxury cruise ship Le Jacques Cartier, carrying 150 passengers from France, the US, the UK, and some European countries, visited Phu Quoc island in Kien Giang province on...
Go Cong – popular altar cabinet making village

Go Cong – popular altar cabinet making village

(VOVWORLD) -Worshipping ancestors plays a special role in the spiritual life of Vietnamese people. The worship space is a sacred area and the family altar demonstrates solemnity and respect to one...
Indonesians cast ballots to elect new leaders

Indonesians cast ballots to elect new leaders

(VOVWORLD) -More than 820,000 polling stations throughout Indonesia opened on Wednesday morning for more than 204.8 million registered voters to cast their ballots in the country’s presidential,...
WHO head concerned at attacks on Gaza's Rafah

WHO head concerned at attacks on Gaza's Rafah

(VOVWORLD) - The World Health Organization head Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus on Monday reiterated calls for a ceasefire in Gaza and expressed particular concern at Israeli attacks on Rafah where most of...