Brilliant clothes of Pa Then women

Brilliant clothes of Pa Then women

(VOVWORLD) - The Pa Then is one of the 14 ethnic groups in Vietnam with a population of fewer than 10,000. They live mainly in Bac Quang and Quang Binh district of...
Peer group helps prevent HIV infection

Peer group helps prevent HIV infection

(VOVWORLD) - Que Phong, a mountainous border district of Nghe An province, is a hot spot for drug addiction and HIV/AIDS infection. To join the local authorities’ effort to prevent the...
Ukraine adopts major laws to join EU

Ukraine adopts major laws to join EU

(VOVWORLD) - The Ukrainian parliament on Friday approved bills necessary to start European Union accession talks, including one on national minorities’ rights, a critical demand from Hungary which opposes Ukraine’s...
Ca Mau-born woman with disability inspires hope

Ca Mau-born woman with disability inspires hope

(VOVWORLD) - Nguyen Thi Yen Ly of Ca Mau city has always done her best to live with her congenital muscular dystrophy. Her motto is “Physical disability is not scary, mental disability...
Schubert in a Mug: Intimate classical music concerts for all

Schubert in a Mug: Intimate classical music concerts for all

(VOVWORLD) - For centuries, classical music, characterized by its complexity, depth, and emotional range, has been performed in majestic theaters often adorned with exquisite chandeliers, plush velvet seats, and elegant details. The association between classical music and grand theaters is deeply rooted...
Fall foliage in Ru Cha mangrove forest

Fall foliage in Ru Cha mangrove forest

(VOVWORLD) - Ru Cha mangrove forest is a stunningly-beautiful place that attracts plenty of travelers to Hue, especially when leaves change color, creating a peaceful scene for visitors to enjoy