US warns of new terrorist attacks in Europe

US warns of new terrorist attacks in Europe

(VOVworld) – US officials say they have information that terrorist groups, including al Qaeda and IS are planning terrorist attacks on US citizens abroad, particularly in Europe. The warning was issued...
US kills IS and al-Shabaab senior leaders

US kills IS and al-Shabaab senior leaders

(VOVworld) – The US announced on Monday it has killed two senior leaders of Islamic State in Libya and the Al Qaeda-affiliated group al Shabaab during recent air strikes
Libya: IS attacks luxurious hotel in Tripoli

Libya: IS attacks luxurious hotel in Tripoli

(VOVworld) – At least three people were killed and five were injured in an attack Tuesday targeting Tripoli’s luxurious Corinthia Hotel which often receives government officials and foreign delegations
Al-Qaeda warns France of new attacks

Al-Qaeda warns France of new attacks

(VOVworld) - Senior al Qaeda leader Sheikh Harith al-Nadhari released a recording over social media websites on Friday pledging further attacks in France. Referring to the attack on satirical magazine...
US hostage executed in Yemen by Al Qaeda

US hostage executed in Yemen by Al Qaeda

(VOVworld) - US journalist Luke Somers has been killed in Yemen during an operation to rescue him and another South African teacher who were being held hostage by Al Qaeda since...
Pakistan kills Al Qaeda chief

Pakistan kills Al Qaeda chief

(VOVworld) - A senior al-Qaeda militant, accused of planning to bomb trains in New York and London, has been killed in Pakistan. Adnan el Shukrijumah was killed in a raid in...
Increasing attack threats target India

Increasing attack threats target India

(VOVworld) – A new branch of the Pakistani Taliban, known as Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan, Jamaat ul-Ahrar, threatened this week to conduct attacks targeting India