Kon Tum hosts folk performing arts festival

Kon Tum hosts folk performing arts festival

(VOVWORLD) - The third Folk Performing Arts and Cultural Festival of Ethnic Groups in the Truong Son Range-Central Highlands opened on Wednesday in Kon Plong district, Kon Tum province
Hanoi to open new pedestrian zone

Hanoi to open new pedestrian zone

(VOVWORLD) - On National Reunification Day (April 30), visitors can explore many cultural events at Son Tay old fortress citadel, the new pedestrian zone in Hanoi
Russia puts deterrent forces on alert

Russia puts deterrent forces on alert

(VOVWORLD) - Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the country's deterrent forces, including nuclear deterrent, on the highest alert level, Russia's RT TV reported on Saturday. According to Putin, the...
Kitchen Gods’ Day in foreigner’s eyes

Kitchen Gods’ Day in foreigner’s eyes

(VOVWORLD) - A turbulent 2021 already ended and a 2022 filled with hope and excitement has begun. But for Vietnam and other countries that used the Lunar Calendar, there are certain events that mark the end of the...