Mong people protect forest in Yen Bai

Mong people protect forest in Yen Bai

(VOVWORLD) -Na Hau commune is located in the core area of the Na Hau Nature Reserve in Van Yen district, Yen Bai province. This is a long-standing habitat of the Mong...
White House urges Congress to pass TikTok bill

White House urges Congress to pass TikTok bill

(VOVWORLD) -The White House urged Congress to quickly pass the Restricting the Emergence of Security Threats that Risk Information and Communications Technology Act, or RESTRICT Act, compiled by Democratic Senator Mark Warner...
UN extends sanctions on Yemen

UN extends sanctions on Yemen

(VOVWORLD) - The UN Security Council unanimously agreed Wednesday to extend its sanctions mandate on Yemen through November, which will continue the asset freeze on Yemeni entities and travel ban on...
Russia expands entry ban list of EU citizens

Russia expands entry ban list of EU citizens

(VOVWORLD) -Russia has expanded its entry ban list of European Union citizens and officials, who are prohibited from entering Russian territory, in response to the EU's ninth package of sanctions...