Quang Ninh continues to lead in administrative reform

Quang Ninh continues to lead in administrative reform

(VOVWORLD) - 2020 was the first year Quang Ninh topped four rankings: Public Administration Reform (PAR), Provincial Competitiveness Index (PCI), Satisfaction Index of Public Administrative Services (SIPAS), and Governance and Public Administration Performance Index (PAPI)....
Lychee exports expanded

Lychee exports expanded

(VOVWORLD) - The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development has asked for timely support for farmers and exporters who might encounter difficulties brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic with harvests...
EU seeks to secure vaccine materials from US

EU seeks to secure vaccine materials from US

(VOVWORLD) - The EU will open talks with Washington Monday to ensure its supply of US-made materials for coronavirus vaccines, items currently under tough export restrictions, a European source said...
Vietnam Business Forum seeks to revive economy

Vietnam Business Forum seeks to revive economy

(VOVWORLD) - Economists on Tuesday told the Vietnam Business Forum that the Government should roll out macro-policies for economic recovery in 2021 and that businesses should hop on world trends, be...
Vietnam’s GDP grows 3.82% in Q1

Vietnam’s GDP grows 3.82% in Q1

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam’s GDP grew 3.82% in the first quarter of this year against the same period last year, said the General Statistics Office on Friday. Forestry and aquaculture sector increased 0.08...