Health sector ready to fight epidemics

Health sector ready to fight epidemics

(VOVworld) –The health sector is well-prepared to deal with any epidemic outbreak, said Health Minister Nguyen Thi Kim Tien on the TV show “People ask, ministers answer” last Sunday
Vietnam takes stronger measures against bird flu

Vietnam takes stronger measures against bird flu

(VOVworld) – Closer monitoring of acute pneumonia patients and border quarantine services are two important tools for dealing with avian flu, the National Steering Committee on Bird Flu Prevention and Control...
Which scenario suit to two Koreas’ relations?

Which scenario suit to two Koreas’ relations?

(VOVworld) – The situation on the Korean peninsula is heating hour by hour due to reciprocal threats between Pyongyang and Seoul. Many are wondering whether a full-scale war between the two...
Iran seeks new anti-US allies

Iran seeks new anti-US allies

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is on a tour of 4 Latin American countries. In the context of tensions between Iran and the US due to recent heavy sanctions, the visit...