Vietnam holds a memorial event for COVID-19 victims

Vietnam holds a memorial event for COVID-19 victims

(VOVWORLD) - President of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee, Do Van Chien, has called for strengthened solidarity and heightened awareness in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, while addressing...
COVID-19's orphans - pandemic's hidden toll

COVID-19's orphans - pandemic's hidden toll

(VOVWORLD) - In Ho Chi Minh City alone, more than 1,500 students attending local schools have lost their parents in the past few months. The figure is undoubtedly much higher if you include...
Daisies brighten up Hanoi’s streets

Daisies brighten up Hanoi’s streets

(VOVWORLD) - Tiny daisies stacked on flower vendors’ bicycles and bikes have added charm to Hanoi’s ambiance during the transition from autumn to winter
Special volunteers on the COVID-19 frontlines

Special volunteers on the COVID-19 frontlines

(VOVWORLD) - People who have recovered from the coronavirus in Ho Chi Minh City have registered to become volunteers. After recovering, they have antibodies against the virus and empathize with the physical and mental...
Anti-fake news contributes to COVID-19 fight

Anti-fake news contributes to COVID-19 fight

(VOVWORLD) -The 4th wave of the COVID-19 pandemic has been severe, forcing many localities in Vietnam to impose social distancing measures under Government Directive 16. While most people are working with...