Workers’ Month: A visit to miners

Workers’ Month: A visit to miners

(VOVWORLD) - The miners’ workplace is described as hell because it can be hundreds of meters deep underground with numerous hardships. In May, a month which honors workers, Truong Giang reports...
Heightening Vietnam-China relationship

Heightening Vietnam-China relationship

(VOVWORLD) -President Tran Dai Quang began his visit to China on Thursday and will attend the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in Beijing until Sunday. This is the...
Vietnam boost ties with neighboring countries

Vietnam boost ties with neighboring countries

(VOVworld) – Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc is visiting Cambodia and Laos this week to demonstrate Vietnam’s desire to boost friendship and cooperation with these two neighbors
French presidential race tightens

French presidential race tightens

(VOVworld) – The French presidential race is tightening as the leading candidates are strengthening their campaigns in the Southern region in France
US Culure: Melting pot or Salad Bowl

US Culure: Melting pot or Salad Bowl

(VOVworld) – American history began with waves of immigrants, bringing their own cultures and traditions to a vast new country. With such a diverse population, some people compared the US culture to a melting...
Tightening discipline to enhance Party strength

Tightening discipline to enhance Party strength

(VOVworld) – Discipline has been an important factor in ensuring the survival and development of the Communist Party of Vietnam over the past 80 years. The Party has been reforming itself...
Global economy to grow slightly in 2017

Global economy to grow slightly in 2017

(VOVworld) – The World Bank predicts a slight recovery of the global economy in the coming years amid rallying oil and commodity prices and the expansion of emerging markets and developing...
Terrorism: A major global challenge

Terrorism: A major global challenge

(VOVworld) – In 2016, hundreds of terrorist attacks shook the world and stirred public indignation. More sophisticated terrorist plots are posing an unprecedented threat to global security
Historic moment for the US

Historic moment for the US

(VOVworld)-The US is facing a historic moment as voters cast their ballots to elect either the first female president in history or an ultimate political outsider
President Tran Dai Quang greets Lao PM

President Tran Dai Quang greets Lao PM

(VOVworld) - President Tran Dai Quang received in Hanoi on Tuesday Lao Prime Minister Thongloun Sisoulith who is heading a high-level delegation to ongoing regional summits in Vietnam
Myanmar-US relationship turns a page

Myanmar-US relationship turns a page

(VOVworld) – The US removed economic sanctions that have been imposed on Myanmar for 2 decades. This is a milestone in the normalization of relations between the two countries