Policies for paying gratitude enforced effectively

Policies for paying gratitude enforced effectively

(VOVWORLD) - War Invalids and Martyrs Day, July 27, is an event of great significance to Vietnamese people. This is a day when the Party, army, and people of Vietnam pay tribute to revolutionary predecessors,...
Vietnam, Israel sign free trade agreement

Vietnam, Israel sign free trade agreement

(VOVWORLD) -Vietnam and Israel signed a bilateral free trade agreement in Jerusalem on Tuesday, creating a legal corridor for the two countries to promote economic development and trade exchanges
Young people opt for late marriage: happy or lonely?

Young people opt for late marriage: happy or lonely?

(VOVWORLD) - The belief that getting married and having children brings the necessary stability of “settling down” was widely embraced by previous generations in Vietnam. Marriage was viewed as a primary life goal, along with acquiring a...
Vietnam, Austria renew push to deepen ties

Vietnam, Austria renew push to deepen ties

(VOVWORLD) - President Vo Van Thuong and his Austrian counterpart Alexander Van der Bellen discussed measures to deepen friendship and cooperation between the two countries during their talks in Vienna on...
Wednesday July 5, 2023

Wednesday July 5, 2023

(VOVWORLD) - This week, we received several letters from Asik Eqbal Tokon of Bangladesh. Listening to our Sunday Show last week about "Happy Homes for Stray Abandoned Animals in Hanoi", Mr. Asik wrote: “VOV...