Historic moment for the US

Historic moment for the US

(VOVworld)-The US is facing a historic moment as voters cast their ballots to elect either the first female president in history or an ultimate political outsider
Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

A: Le Duc Tho was the first and only person ever to refuse a Nobel Peace Prize. In his declining statement, he wrote: "Peace has not yet really been established in...
Donald Trump works to gain trust of voters

Donald Trump works to gain trust of voters

(VOVworld)- In his Gettysburg Address, on October 22, Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump outlined what he would do in his first 100 days were he to become US president. Trump...
Another bloody shooting in the US

Another bloody shooting in the US

(VOVworld)- The US suffered its worst mass shooting since the September 11 terror attacks. The guns used in the massacre were purchased legally. Alarms are once again being raised that...
US election: Nevada Republican Caucus Exit Polls

US election: Nevada Republican Caucus Exit Polls

(VOVworld) – Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has won the US state of Nevada with 45.91% of the vote, cementing his lead in the race for party nomination. The billionaire now has...