Party building and rectification strengthened

Party building and rectification strengthened

(VOVWORLD) - Strengthening Party building and rectification and the political system was a major part of the agenda of the 5th Conference of the 13th Party Central Committee that was held in Hanoi...
Ho Chi Minh City to dissolve field hospitals

Ho Chi Minh City to dissolve field hospitals

(VOVWORLD) - If the COVID-19 pandemic does not evolve abnormally after the holiday of National Reunification Day (April 30) and May Day (May 1), Ho Chi Minh City will dissolve...
China exerts effort to control the pandemic

China exerts effort to control the pandemic

(VOVWORLD) - According to, as of Thursday morning, the world recorded more than 511.3 million cases of COVID-19, with over 6.25 million deaths. The US is the...