Global effort to cope with climate change

Global effort to cope with climate change

(VOVWORLD) - 2020 is coming to an end. It’s time to review climate change data. Climate change is threatening the global ecosystem and life in every corner of the world
For a safer world with no nuclear weapons

For a safer world with no nuclear weapons

(VOVWORLD) - When Honduras ratified the UN Treaty on the Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) last week, the Treaty reached the required 50 ratifications to enter into force in the next 90...
UN chief concerned of nuclear risks

UN chief concerned of nuclear risks

(VOVWORLD) - UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned Friday that the world is living “in the shadow of nuclear catastrophe,” fueled by growing distrust and tensions between the nuclear powers
UN urges international community to help Somalia

UN urges international community to help Somalia

(VOVWORLD) - The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) on Saturday called on greater support of the international community to help millions of Somalis, who are facing many catastrophic threats from conflicts...
Donald Trump threatens to pull US out of WTO

Donald Trump threatens to pull US out of WTO

(VOVWORLD) - US President Donald Trump once again threatened to withdraw the US from the World Trade Organization (WTO) when he addressed a rally in Pennsylvania on Tuesday, increasing concerns...