Russian police rescues 20 hostages in Moscow

Russian police rescues 20 hostages in Moscow

(VOvworld) - Russian police have rescued 20 students who were taken hostage at a high school on the outskirts of Moscow on Monday. A police spokeswoman said a man entered the...
Algeria: 37 foreigners died in the kidnapping

Algeria: 37 foreigners died in the kidnapping

Algeria Prime Minister Abdelmalek Sellal has said 37 foreigners of eight nationalities and one Algerian worker were killed during the hostage crisis at a gas plant In Amenas, south of...

Iranians protest against US, 'global arrogance'

Iranians protested outside of the former US embassy in Tehran on Friday, marking the country's annual “Day of Fighting the Global Arrogance”. The yearly celebration coincides with the anniversary of the November...