Giay folk singing - binding the community

Giay folk singing - binding the community

(VOVworld) – The Giay have diverse genres of folk singing. The lyrics are about legends, natural and social phenomena, love, and life. Community singing sessions always rally all villagers in the...
Old book festival 2014 in Hanoi

Old book festival 2014 in Hanoi

(VOVworld) - The first Hanoi Old Book Festival 2014 took place in late November, attracting a great number of book lovers. The event is of great significance as it has encouraged...
Stamps help promote Vietnam’s image

Stamps help promote Vietnam’s image

(VOVworld)- As in many other countries, stamp collecting is a popular hobby in Vietnam. For philatelists, collecting stamps is not just a way to learn about history, culture and art, but...
Vietnam’s betel and areca culture honored

Vietnam’s betel and areca culture honored

(VOVworld) – The custom of chewing betel and areca nut is one of Vietnamese people's fine traditional cultural features in the past. Areca splitting knife, pots of slaked lime, cylindrical lime holders...
Tay Nguyen Epics

Tay Nguyen Epics

(VOVworld) - Vietnam’s Central Highlands region is home to magnificent forests and several ethnic minority groups including M’Nong, Ede, Bana and Jarai. This is a mysterious and rich cultural land, which is famous...
Nguyen Huu Long and his passion for sound

Nguyen Huu Long and his passion for sound

(VOVworld) - While audio equipment manufacturers have continuously introduced new technological devices and audio formats, some people still passionately collect vintage cassettes and tape recorders, vinyl records and turntable, and speakers made in the...
 Art cafe

Art cafe

(VOVworld) - Situated at 75 Quan Thanh street is a small coffee shop named Art Coffee. Not being so crowded, the coffee shop like its name attracts artists especially those who are keen...
Ha Long Bay of the old days

Ha Long Bay of the old days

(VOVworld) – VOVworld brings you several pictures featuring nature and people of Ha Long during the period from 1885-1953. Some of them have not been published before. On 27th April 2012,...
Stamp market in Hanoi

Stamp market in Hanoi

There is a stamp market in Hanoi, which opens at 9am every Sunday in front of house No 160, Trieu Viet Vuong Street. Stamp lovers come there not only for...