100 records of Hue royal court on display

100 records of Hue royal court on display

(VOVWORLD) - 100 records of the Royal Court of the Nguyen emperors plus documents and pictures related to the construction of the Hue Imperial City are on display at an outdoor...
Hue Festival 2024 to run thoughout the year

Hue Festival 2024 to run thoughout the year

(VOVWORLD) - Hue Festival 2024 will run throughout the year with outstanding events, including the Spring Festival, the Summer Festival, the Autumn Festival, and the Winter Festival, along with hundreds of other...
Soil and water – Asia-Pacific’s bread and butter

Soil and water – Asia-Pacific’s bread and butter

(VOVWORLD) - In December 2013, the UN General Assembly designated December 5, 2014 as the first official World Soil Day as a means to focus attention on the importance of healthy soil and advocating for the sustainable management...