Iran nuclear deal revision under pressure

Iran nuclear deal revision under pressure

(VOVWORLD) -Iran’s nuclear deal is likely to be revised after US President Donald Trump set a deadline to renegotiate the deal. The stance of Iran and international support for the...
 US new security strategy in Afghanistan

US new security strategy in Afghanistan

(VOVWORLD) - US President Donald Trump last week announced his strategy on Afghanistan focusing on countering terrorism and supporting the Afghan government and its people to shape their future. The...
Qatar: Arab sanctions violate international law

Qatar: Arab sanctions violate international law

(VOVWORLD) - Qatari Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani dismissed Sunday's statement from Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Egypt, and the United Arab Emirate and said their sanctions violate international...
EU to remove EBA and EMA from UK

EU to remove EBA and EMA from UK

(VOVWORLD) - European Union countries faced a deadline Monday to submit their bids to host banking and medical agencies currently based in London
Easing tensions in the Gulf region

Easing tensions in the Gulf region

(VOVWORLD) - After a month of diplomatic tensions between Qatar and its neighbors, efforts are being stepped up to prevent the situation from getting worse
Qatar threatens to withdraw from GCC

Qatar threatens to withdraw from GCC

(VOVWORLD) - Qatar has threatened to withdraw from the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and has set conditions for the Saudi-led bloc, the MENA news agency reported Monday
Europe reduces emission from public transport

Europe reduces emission from public transport

(VOVWORLD) - The French Environment Minister has recently announced that France will ban petrol and diesel vehicles by 2040 to fulfill its commitment in the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. Some...
Qatar rejects Gulf countries' demands

Qatar rejects Gulf countries' demands

(VOVWORLD) - Qatar is ready to discuss legitimate issues with Arabian states to put an end to the current crisis but will not be able to meet some of their demands,...
VOV hosts ASEAN Song Contest 2017

VOV hosts ASEAN Song Contest 2017

(VOVWORLD) -On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of ASEAN and VOV’s 72nd anniversary celebration, VOV will host a cultural exchange event entitled “ASEAN Song Contest”
British PM Theresa May: Brexit timetable unchanged

British PM Theresa May: Brexit timetable unchanged

(VOVworld) - British Prime Minister Theresa May on Friday told European leaders that her March deadline for triggering Brexit negotiations “remains unchanged” despite a court ruling that she first needs...