Personal data protection is human right protection

Personal data protection is human right protection

(VOVWORLD) - The Vietnamese government has issued a Decree on Personal Data Protection, which will take effect on July 1st. It creates a legal framework for the national digital transformation program, toward information security and comprehensive digital...
Hot weather continues scorching Vietnam

Hot weather continues scorching Vietnam

(VOVWORLD) -According to the National Center for Hydro- Metreologogical Forecasting, hot weather is set to scorch northern and northern-central localities on Thursday, with the highest temperature ranging from 37...
Base salary to rise from July

Base salary to rise from July

(VOVWORLD) - The base salary for civil servants, public employees, and members of the armed forces, will increase from 1.49 million VND (63.5 USD) to 1.8 million VND per...