France, Germany sign new friendship treaty

France, Germany sign new friendship treaty

(VOVWORLD) - French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Tuesday signed a new friendship treaty that is designed to deepen the Franco-German friendship, bring ties to a "new level...
Brexit: France activates no-deal plan

Brexit: France activates no-deal plan

(VOVWORLD) - French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe has said a no-deal Brexit looks "less and less unlikely" and has launched a contingency plan to prepare for it
Brexit gets complicated

Brexit gets complicated

(VOVWORLD) - Prime Minister Theresa May's Brexit deal has been rejected by the House of Commons - the largest defeat for a sitting government in history. The result has created...
Brexit – A difficult divorce

Brexit – A difficult divorce

(VOVWORLD) - With Brexit scheduled to occur in about 100 days, no deal has yet been reached, 2018 was a difficult year for the divorce between the UK and the EU
Angela Merkel to quit politics

Angela Merkel to quit politics

(VOVWORLD) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel says she will step down as Chancellor in 2021 and not seek re-election as leader of the Christian Democratic Union of Germany (CDU), a center...
US to close Consulate in Iraq

US to close Consulate in Iraq

(VOVWORLD) - The US State Department announced on Friday that it has decided to place its consulate in the Iraqi city of Basra on "ordered departure," citing increasing security threats from...
Theresa May calls for Tory unity on Brexit

Theresa May calls for Tory unity on Brexit

(VOVWORLD) - UK Prime Minister Theresa May on Tuesday called on the Conservative Party to be united on Britain’s departure from the EU, known as Brexit. Ms. May said she...