Onigiri - A symbol of family love in Japan

Onigiri - A symbol of family love in Japan

(VOVworld) - At first glance, Onigiri- Japanese rice balls- seem too ordinary to represent the quintessence of Japan’s cooking arts, unlike a colorful tray of sushi. Yet, the simple-looking rice...
A day in Moc Chau

A day in Moc Chau

(VOVworld) – About 200 km from Hanoi, there is a paradise where you can enjoy fresh air and unspoiled vistas. Join us on a tour of Moc Chau plateau today
British Tea Culture

British Tea Culture

(VOVworld) - Welcome to Culture Rendezvous on VOV24/7 with me, Ngoc Diep. British Tea Culture, we all know it exists, we all know it’s important, but what exactly is it? In today’s...
TPP to become a model for 21st century trade

TPP to become a model for 21st century trade

(VOVworld) – Trade Ministers of 12 Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) members reached a final consensus on the world’s largest free trade agreement at a meeting that concluded in Atlanta on October 5....
TPP Trade Ministers’ meeting extends

TPP Trade Ministers’ meeting extends

(VOVworld) - Trade ministers from the US, Japan and 10 other Pacific Rim countries have dragged the Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiation in Atlanta, the US, for one more day to October 4...