Qatar closes Chad embassy

Qatar closes Chad embassy

(VOVWORLD) - Qatar has ordered the Chadian embassy in Doha to close and has given its diplomats 72 hours to leave, the Qatari foreign ministry announced on Thursday
Egypt sets conditions for settling Qatar crisis

Egypt sets conditions for settling Qatar crisis

(VOVWORLD) - Qatar must end its support for terrorist organizations as a condition for ending the current dispute with its 4 Arab neighbors, Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry told US envoys...
Qatar: Arab sanctions violate international law

Qatar: Arab sanctions violate international law

(VOVWORLD) - Qatari Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani dismissed Sunday's statement from Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Egypt, and the United Arab Emirate and said their sanctions violate international...
Easing tensions in the Gulf region

Easing tensions in the Gulf region

(VOVWORLD) - After a month of diplomatic tensions between Qatar and its neighbors, efforts are being stepped up to prevent the situation from getting worse
Qatar seeks compensation for economic losses

Qatar seeks compensation for economic losses

(VOVWORLD) -Qatar on Sunday announced it is establishing a committee to pursue compensation claims potentially worth billions of dollars for losses caused by a "blockade" by neighboring Gulf States
Qatar rejects Gulf countries' demands

Qatar rejects Gulf countries' demands

(VOVWORLD) - Qatar is ready to discuss legitimate issues with Arabian states to put an end to the current crisis but will not be able to meet some of their demands,...