Hope for Russia-Ukraine crisis

Hope for Russia-Ukraine crisis

(VOVWORLD) - Russia and Ukraine are engaging in their 4th round of peace talks, this time via a virtual meeting. Although they have not agreed on a cease fire or troop withdrawals...
Wednesday February 16, 2022

Wednesday February 16, 2022

(VOVWORLD) - Congratulations to all DX’ers on World Radio Day 2022, whose theme this year is "Radio and Trust". Building on more than a century of history, radio remains one of...
First Full-moon Festival of the year

First Full-moon Festival of the year

(VOVWORLD) - For a majority of Vietnamese families, the first full-moon of the year is the first major event after Tet, the Lunar New Year Festival. People once again worship...
Mong ethnic people’s sacrifice ritual

Mong ethnic people’s sacrifice ritual

(VOVWORLD) - At the beginning of the New Lunar Year, Mong ethnic minority people often organize a sacrifice ceremony to deities. The ritual is particularly held when a family encounters bad...
Wednesday November 3, 2021

Wednesday November 3, 2021

(VOVWORLD) - Here we are with the very first Letter Box of November and with hope for a beautiful month ahead. We’ve had good news about the pandemic control...