Colorful costumes of ethnic women in Son La

Colorful costumes of ethnic women in Son La

(VOVWORLD) - Son La province has 18 ethnic groups living together despite their different customs and lifestyles. Traditional clothes are an important component of a culture, which identify ethnic groups and reflect their society...
 Russia, Germany condemn US sanctions

Russia, Germany condemn US sanctions

(VOVWORLD) -Russia said it needs time to assess the impact of new US sanctions that took effect on Monday before deciding on a response, but insisted that President Vladimir...
UK growth hits five-year low

UK growth hits five-year low

(VOVWORLD) -Economists warn that Britain’s economy is losing momentum after growth almost stalled in the first three months of the year
Wednesday April 18, 2018

Wednesday April 18, 2018

(VOVWORLD) -I consider it an honor to receive so many letters from around the world. Listeners’ feedback, reception reports, and postage stamps teach me many things about their culture, society,...
Confectionery market bustles before Tet

Confectionery market bustles before Tet

(VOVWORLD) - Confectioneries are indispensable in Vietnamese homes during Tet or traditional Lunar New Year festival. Though Tet won’t arrive for another month, the confectionery market is already bustling
US plans flexible use of nuclear weapons

US plans flexible use of nuclear weapons

(VOVWORLD) - US President Donald Trump’s administration will adopt a policy allowing the flexible use of nuclear weapons through the new Nuclear Posture Review to be unveiled as early as...
Vietnamese goods dominate Christmas market

Vietnamese goods dominate Christmas market

(VOVWORLD) - The festive season atmosphere is particularly exciting in Hang Luoc, Hang Ma, and Luong Van Can, the main streets selling deco items in Hanoi. With their beautiful design and reasonable...
Wednesday October11, 2017

Wednesday October11, 2017

(VOVWORLD) - Hello and welcome to VOV’s Letter Box, a weekly feature dedicated to our listeners around the world
Wednesday August 30, 2017

Wednesday August 30, 2017

(VOVWORLD) - Hello and welcome to VOV’s Letter Box, a weekly feature dedicated to our listeners around the world
The Xo Dang in the Central Highlands

The Xo Dang in the Central Highlands

(VOVWORLD) - Today VOV’s Colorful Vietnam: Vietnam’s 54 ethnic groups begins a series onthe Xo Dang, an indigenous people of Vietnam’s Central Highlands
Emmanuel Macron elected French president

Emmanuel Macron elected French president

(VOVWORLD) - Emmanuel Macron was elected French president on Sunday with a business-friendly vision of European integration, defeating Marine Le Pen, a far-right nationalist who threatened to take France...