Israeli FM pays first official visit to UAE

Israeli FM pays first official visit to UAE

(VOVWORLD) - Israel's foreign minister Yair Lapid arrived in the United Arab Emirates on Tuesday in the first official visit by an Israeli minister to the Gulf state since the...
Iran nuclear deal drew closer

Iran nuclear deal drew closer

(VOVWORLD) - Talks between Iran and 6 world powers on reviving the 2015 Iran nuclear deal have come closer than ever to an agreement, top Iranian negotiator Abbas Araqchi said Sunday
Joe Biden’s trip shapes US foreign policy

Joe Biden’s trip shapes US foreign policy

(VOVWORLD) - US President Joe Biden on Wednesday began his first foreign trip since taking office in January. His eight-day visit to the UK, Belgium, and Switzerland aims at strengthening transatlantic relationships...
WHO faces funding shortage

WHO faces funding shortage

(VOVWORLD) - The World Health Organization (WHO) is experiencing a funding shortage that is already hampering operations, its top emergency expert told health ministers on Tuesday
World community gears up to end violence in Gaza

World community gears up to end violence in Gaza

(VOVWORLD) - President Joe Biden spoke to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas on Saturday as the violence in Israel and the Gaza Strip escalated
US begins to withdraw troops from Afghanistan

US begins to withdraw troops from Afghanistan

(VOVWORLD) - The commander of foreign forces in Afghanistan, US Army General Austin Scott Miller, says US and NATO forces have begun to withdraw troops from Afghanistan as President Joe Biden...
Thin hope of resuming Iran nuclear deal

Thin hope of resuming Iran nuclear deal

(VOVWORLD) - The Joint Commission of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) resumed its work in Vienna from April 6-9, trying to revive the historic deal signed between Iran and...
Indonesian media hail Vietnam’s new leadership

Indonesian media hail Vietnam’s new leadership

(VOVWORLD) - The Indonesian media have published positive reports detailing results of Vietnam's recent senior personnel election, while also praising the country for its COVID-19 containment efforts and national...