Famous sites in Dong Thap province

Famous sites in Dong Thap province

(VOVWORLD) - Dong Thap province is in Vietnam’s southern Mekong Delta region. Its many natural scenic spots and historical and cultural sites make Dong Thap province an attractive tourist destination
Visiting flower villages in Dong Thap Muoi

Visiting flower villages in Dong Thap Muoi

(VOVworld) – Dong Thap Muoi, the Plain of Reeds in the Lower Mekong, is a fertile land with vast lotus ponds, endless indigo tree forests, and verdant flower farms. VOV takes...
Tour of Mekong River Delta in flood season

Tour of Mekong River Delta in flood season

(VOVworld)- Every year, from August to November, banks throughout Mekong River Delta are submerged due to flooding of the Mekong river upstream. Because the water doesn’t come all of...