Party leader chairs first half 2022 review meeting

Party leader chairs first half 2022 review meeting

(VOVWORLD) -Vietnam recorded major achievements in the second quarter and first six months of 2022 in socio-economic development, Covid-19 prevention and control, national defense and security, foreign affairs, party building...
Mobile Money - a safe, convenient financial solution

Mobile Money - a safe, convenient financial solution

(VOVWORLD) - To realize the Government project on cashless payment development until 2025 and a new decree on cashless payments, since late last year, major telecommunications providers in Vietnam - VNPT, Viettel and Mobifone -...
Vietnam’s budget transparency index rises

Vietnam’s budget transparency index rises

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam’s budget disclosure and transparency score for 2021 ranks 68 out of 120 countries and territories, up 9 notches from 2019 and 23 notches from 2017, according to...
Workers’ legitimate rights and interests ensured

Workers’ legitimate rights and interests ensured

(VOVWORLD) - The ultimate goal of the Vietnamese Party and State is to care for people’s material and spiritual life and their happiness, said Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh in a dialogue with workers nationwide...