G7 lacks a common voice

G7 lacks a common voice

(VOVWORLD) - The G7 Summit in France concluded without major results due to differences between its members
Japan-South Korea trade tension risks escalation

Japan-South Korea trade tension risks escalation

(VOVWORLD) - Trade tension between Japan and South Korea has escalated into an all-out trade war. The two countries have imposed restrictions on technology material exports, consumption, and tourism, raising...
Dangerous turn in US-China trade war

Dangerous turn in US-China trade war

(VOVWORLD) - A range of economic retaliatory moves from the US and China on Monday has pushed the US-China trade war to a dangerous level. Recent moves show...
EU shares Vietnam's concern over East Sea issue

EU shares Vietnam's concern over East Sea issue

(VOVWORLD) - The European Union shares Vietnamese concern over growing tensions in the East Sea which are inauspicious for peace and stability in the region, said EU High Representative for Foreign...
Grave sculptures of the Central Highlands

Grave sculptures of the Central Highlands

(VOVWORLD) - Carving wooden sculptures is a special folk art of ethnic groups such as the Co Tu, Ede, Ba Na, and Jarai of the Central Highlands. They are not just folk...