14th National Assembly begins first session

14th National Assembly begins first session

(VOVworld) - The 14th National Assembly convened its first session in Hanoi on Wednesday, focusing on electing high-ranking State personnel for the 2016-2021 tenure, and discussing crucial national issues
Health insurance data system launched

Health insurance data system launched

(VOVworld) – Vietnam’s Ministry of Health and Social Insurance Corporation launched a health care data portal and an information system for health insurance appraisal at a conference held in Hanoi...
US tightens visa-waiver program

US tightens visa-waiver program

(VOVworld) – The Obama administration on Thursday added Libya, Somalia, and Yemen to a list of countries whose visitors will have a tougher time entering the US, a step to combat...
Preparatory meeting of 12th National Party Congress

Preparatory meeting of 12th National Party Congress

(VOVworld) – Delegates to the 12th National Party Congress attended a preparatory meeting after paying tribute to President Ho Chi Minh at his mausoleum on Wednesday. They elected the congress’s Presidium, Secretariat,...
Amnesty- Vietnam’s lenient policy

Amnesty- Vietnam’s lenient policy

(VOVworld)- Since the Law on Amnesty was approved by the National Assembly in 2007, thousands of prisoners have been released on major occasions in Vietnam. This year, on the occasion of...