Ket Tong, unique customs of the Tay

Ket Tong, unique customs of the Tay

(VOVWORLD) - The Tay ethnic minority people often live together in small hamlets in remote mountain areas. As they rarely meet new people, the Tay take all opportunities possible to broaden their friendship and...
Quang Nam accelerates digital transformation

Quang Nam accelerates digital transformation

(VOVWORLD) - Digital transformation is an inevitable trend and a driving force for socio-economic development. Localities in Vietnam, including Quang Nam province, have carried out a number of solutions to speed...
Niger junta agrees to dialogue

Niger junta agrees to dialogue

(VOVWORLD) - A group of Nigerian Islamic scholars who met Niger’s coup leader said Sunday that the junta agreed to hold talks and resolve a standoff with West African leaders
Policies for paying gratitude enforced effectively

Policies for paying gratitude enforced effectively

(VOVWORLD) - War Invalids and Martyrs Day, July 27, is an event of great significance to Vietnamese people. This is a day when the Party, army, and people of Vietnam pay tribute to revolutionary predecessors,...