EU agrees to new rules on hosting migrants

EU agrees to new rules on hosting migrants

(VOVWORLD) -The European Union reached agreement early Wednesday on new rules designed to more fairly distribute the cost and work of hosting migrants and limit the number of people coming...
EVFTA brings opportunity to agricultural sector

EVFTA brings opportunity to agricultural sector

(VOVWORLD) - The EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA), officially ratified by the European Parliament, makes Vietnam the first developing country in the Asia-Pacific region to have free trade with...
Czech Lower House approves EVIPA

Czech Lower House approves EVIPA

(VOVWORLD) - The Czech Lower House on Thursday adopted a resolution supporting a number of international agreements including the EU-Vietnam Investment Protection Agreement
Vietnam wants to expand partnership with EU

Vietnam wants to expand partnership with EU

(VOVWORLD) - Leaders of the Vietnamese Party and State treasure and want to further Vietnam’s comprehensive cooperative partnership with the European Union, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Bui Thanh...
Vietnam, EP vow to work closely

Vietnam, EP vow to work closely

(VOVWORLD) - Permanent Deputy Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son paid a visit to the European Parliament (EP) over the past three days to discuss the ratification process of the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement ...
No-deal Brexit increasingly likely

No-deal Brexit increasingly likely

(VOVWORLD) - Brexit Party members of the European Parliament sparked outrage at the opening session of the EP by turning their backs as the EU anthem was played
UK to hold European Parliament elections

UK to hold European Parliament elections

(VOVWORLD) - The UK has no option but to hold European Parliament elections since talks to hammer out a Brexit deal will not conclude before the end of this month
Parliamentary diplomacy promoted

Parliamentary diplomacy promoted

(VOVWORLD) - National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan on Thursday began visits to Morocco, France, and the European Parliament. She will later attend the 140th General Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union in...
EP discusses Agent Orange remediation

EP discusses Agent Orange remediation

(VOVWORLD) - Efforts to deal with the effects of Agent Orange (AO)/dioxin should focus on environmental improvement and long-term support for AO victims along with other remediation activities, according...
European Parliament holds hearing on EU-Vietnam FTA

European Parliament holds hearing on EU-Vietnam FTA

(VOVWORLD) - The European Parliament (EP)'s Committee on International Trade (INTA) has held an opening hearing on the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) and the Investment Protection Agreement (IPA) between Vietnam and the...