Ket Tong, unique customs of the Tay

Ket Tong, unique customs of the Tay

(VOVWORLD) - The Tay ethnic minority people often live together in small hamlets in remote mountain areas. As they rarely meet new people, the Tay take all opportunities possible to broaden their friendship and...
50 years of Vietnam-Canada relationship

50 years of Vietnam-Canada relationship

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam and Canada established diplomatic relations on August 21, 1973. For over half a century, the trans-Pacific relationship has continuously prospered. This year, the two countries celebrate the 50th...
Relieve your life pressure with mantra yoga

Relieve your life pressure with mantra yoga

(VOVWORLD) - Mantra yoga is seen as one of the easiest ways to achieve the difficult state of internalizing the sense-oriented mind from the external world and focusing on inner consciousness. In Vietnam,...
Map4D – Digital map for the Vietnamese

Map4D – Digital map for the Vietnamese

(VOVWORLD) - Map applications such as Google or Apple Maps are very popular among smartphone users because of their navigation and location-finding features. In Vietnam, domestic enterprises have tried their hand at this field, rolling out 100% made...
HCM City inaugurates serum bank

HCM City inaugurates serum bank

(VOVWORLD) - The Ho Chi Minh City Centre for Disease Control (HCDC) on Thursday put into operation a serum bank that aims to provide a toolkit to assess the burden of...
Wednesday August 2, 2023

Wednesday August 2, 2023

(VOVWORLD) - We’d like to welcome Bruce Lee of Australia to VOV. In his first correspondence to VOV, he wrote: “I’m a radio enthusiast and live in Australia. When I listen...