New path for Iran nuclear deal

New path for Iran nuclear deal

(VOVWORLD) - Despite the US withdrawal from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, other signatories of the deal are seeking a new path for the deal
Panmunjom agreement kindles hope for peace

Panmunjom agreement kindles hope for peace

(VOVWORLD) - Since leaders of the two Koreas signed an agreement at a historic summit on Friday in the border village of Panmunjom, Seoul and Pyongyang have taken initial steps to realize...
Major international axis relations in 2017

Major international axis relations in 2017

(VOVWORLD) -The world experienced various political changes last year, particularly in the US’s relations with Russia, China, and the EU. These changes have stirred up international relations globally
Impact of Germany’s election on the EU

Impact of Germany’s election on the EU

(VOVWORLD) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s CDU/CSU coalition won a projected 33% of the vote in Germany’s federal elections on Sunday, which means Merkel will serve for a fourth...
Together healing the pains of Agent Orange/Dioxin

Together healing the pains of Agent Orange/Dioxin

(VOVWORLD) - August 10th is observed as a Day 'For Vietnamese Agent Orange/dioxinVictims'. In the 56 years since the US army sprayed the defoliant on Vietnam’s battlefields, the consequences have tragically...
Simple but noble examples honored

Simple but noble examples honored

(VOVWORLD) - One first prize, 2 second prizes, 3 third prizes, and 9 consolation prizes were awarded in Hanoi on Thursday to the best articles sent to the 8th 'Simple but Noble...
Uneven path to Syria’s reconstruction

Uneven path to Syria’s reconstruction

(VOVworld) – The European Union (EU) and the United Nations (UN) will co-host a conference on the future of Syria on Wednesday in Brussels. The 2-day conference will discuss humanitarian aid, political...
US Vice President’s assurance tour to Europe

US Vice President’s assurance tour to Europe

(VOVworld) – US Vice President Mike Pence has just toured Europe to assuage concerns over President Donald Trump’s recent comments. During the tour, Pence made it clear that Europe remains...
Search for missing MH370 airplane to end soon

Search for missing MH370 airplane to end soon

(VOVworld) – Malaysian Transport Minister Liow Tiong Lai has told the media that the search for the Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 will end in two weeks. Officials say they have not...
Hope for a peaceful world in 2017

Hope for a peaceful world in 2017

(VOVworld) – In an address marking the New Year and his first day in office as UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres said that in 2017 the top priority must be ensuring...
COP22: Turning words into action

COP22: Turning words into action

(VOVworld)-Leaders from 200 countries around the world are gathering in the Moroccan city of Marrakech for a crucial meeting to define action plans and reiterate commitments to fight global...