Art program honors War Invalids and Martyrs

Art program honors War Invalids and Martyrs

(VOVworld) – An art exchange was held in Hanoi on Wednesday to honor the people who rendered great services to the nation and outstanding individuals who have made contributions to enhancing...
Fine-tuning policies on social beneficiaries

Fine-tuning policies on social beneficiaries

(VOVworld)- The President of the Vietnam Fatherland Front’s Central Committee Nguyen Thien Nhan and National Assembly deputies in Bac Giang province on Saturday met voters at the locally-based...
Intellectuals' roles to be promoted

Intellectuals' roles to be promoted

(VOVworld)- The President of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Nguyen Thien Nhan has promised to work with the Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations to implement the tasks of consultation,...
Vietnam People’s Army anniversary marked

Vietnam People’s Army anniversary marked

(VOVworld) – A ceremony was held on Saturday in Ho Chi Minh city to mark the 67th anniversary of the National Resistance Day (December 19), the 53rd anniversary of the National Liberation Front for South...