Vietnam is consistent to developing collective economy

Vietnam is consistent to developing collective economy

(VOVworld)- President of the Vietnam Fatherland Front, Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Thien Nhan has urged the Alliance of Vietnamese Cooperatives to boost the development of collective economy in combination with national...
Increasing activities to unite young people

Increasing activities to unite young people

(VOVworld) Nguyen Thien Nhan, Deputy Prime Minister and President of the Vietnam Fatherland Front’s Central Committee, urged for more effort in preparation for next year’s child and...
Sentiment for Truong Sa archipelago

Sentiment for Truong Sa archipelago

(VOVworld) – Vietnam’s Truong Sa (Spratly) archipelago has left a deep impression on mainlanders. A working team of the Fatherland Front and representatives of Ho Chi Minh city’s residents...
Strengthening people’s supervisory role

Strengthening people’s supervisory role

(VOVworld)- While commenting on revisions of the 1992 Constitution, the public has shown a special concern about their supervisory role in the performance of the State system. VOV editor Hong...
VCCS tasked with upholding philanthropy

VCCS tasked with upholding philanthropy

(VOVworld) - The Vietnamese Committee for Catholic Solidarity (VCCS) on Wednesday hosted a conference in Ho Chi Minh city to review patriotic movements in 2012 and discuss tasks in 2013
New Year meeting with Party and State leaders

New Year meeting with Party and State leaders

(VOVworld)- Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong on Wednesday held a New Year meeting with the Politburo, the Party’s Central Committee’s Secretariat, leaders and former leaders of the Party...
Efforts geared up to settle voters’ petitions

Efforts geared up to settle voters’ petitions

(VOVworld) – Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung has asked the Fatherland Front to work more closely with the government to deal with citizens’ petitions and complaints, upholding democracy and building a...
Movement for the poor reviewed

Movement for the poor reviewed

(VOVworld)- The Central Committee of the Fatherland Front has reviewed this year’s movement called “Day for the Poor”