Terrorism: A major global challenge

Terrorism: A major global challenge

(VOVworld) – In 2016, hundreds of terrorist attacks shook the world and stirred public indignation. More sophisticated terrorist plots are posing an unprecedented threat to global security
EU-Turkey relationship: continuing differences

EU-Turkey relationship: continuing differences

(VOVworld) – The relationship between the European Union (EU) and Turkey has worsened recently with the sharp exchange of words. Distrust is preventing them from finding a common ground on regional...
EU’s stronger trade protection more likely

EU’s stronger trade protection more likely

(VOVworld) – The European Union (EU) appears to be ready to impose anti-dumping tariffs as the Netherlands and Austria last Friday signaled that they supported the EU’s anti-dumping measure...
Stock market reacts to Donald Trump presidency

Stock market reacts to Donald Trump presidency

(VOVworld)- At the end of the trading session on Wednesday, the US securities market soared with financial, health care and industrial stocks rising sharply reflecting investors’ hope that President-elect Donald Trump...
US security 15 years after Sep 11 attacks

US security 15 years after Sep 11 attacks

(VOVworld) – The US has commemorated the 15th anniversary of the bloodiest terrorist attacks in its history on September 11, 2001, which claimed the lives of nearly 3,000 people
ASEAN Summits: Realizing vision for a dynamic ASEAN

ASEAN Summits: Realizing vision for a dynamic ASEAN

(VOVworld) – Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc leads a Vietnamese delegation to the ASEAN Summit and related meetings held in Vientiane, Laos, from September 6 to 8. Through the summit, Vietnam continues to...
Global tourism sector under terror threats

Global tourism sector under terror threats

(VOVworld)- A series of terror attacks in recent days has caused numerous deaths and devastated the tourism sector globally. Tourism sector revenues have fallen sharply in many countries, especially those...
Belgian cartoons – the 9th art

Belgian cartoons – the 9th art

(VOVworld) - Have you ever read the Belgian comic book series “Adventures of Tintin”? Did you know it is famous around the world and has been published in more than 70 languages...
Japan postpones sales tax until 2019

Japan postpones sales tax until 2019

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has decided to delay sales tax increase until 2019 for the 2nd time in the context of Japan’s economy struggling to recover. The decision...