Wednesday October 18, 2017

Wednesday October 18, 2017

(VOVWORLD) - We would like to send season’s greetings to all our listeners who celebrate Diwali festival
Strengthening coordination to realize SDGs

Strengthening coordination to realize SDGs

(VOVWORLD) - The Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) regional seminar for the Asia-Pacific on responding to climate change and actions of parliaments to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) opened in Ho...
President Tran Dai Quang greets new Ambassadors

President Tran Dai Quang greets new Ambassadors

(VOVworld)- On Wednesday, President Tran Dai Quang received new Ambassadors to Vietnam. Meeting them, President Quang urged the Ambassador to support Vietnam’s bid to become UNESCO Executive Director for...
Vietnam, Vanuatu strengthen ties

Vietnam, Vanuatu strengthen ties

(VOVworld)- The Prime Minister of the Republic of Vanuatu Joe Natuman and his wife began a 4-day official visit to Vietnam on Sunday at the invitation of Prime Minister...
Vietnam advocates ASEAN cooperative development

Vietnam advocates ASEAN cooperative development

(VOVworld) – Le Hai Binh, spokesman for the Foreign Ministry, on Thursday revealed to reporters Vietnam’s major diplomatic activities, including the 5th ASEAN sea forum and the 3rd ASEAN sea...
G77 urged to cooperate in poverty reduction

G77 urged to cooperate in poverty reduction

(VOVworld) – UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and General Assembly President John Ashe have urged G77 to work collectively to reach the anti-poverty targets known as the Millennium Development...