PM chairs Government meeting on law-making for June

PM chairs Government meeting on law-making for June

(VOVWORLD)-Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh on Thursday requested concentrated resources to prepare well, ensure the progress and quality of law making, saying laws and regulations must match the practical situation,...
Wednesday May 24, 2023

Wednesday May 24, 2023

(VOVWORLD) - We’re very moved to have received a lot of congratulatory messages for the Vietnamese sports delegation’s victory at the 32nd SEA Games in Cambodia
Emotional voyage to Truong Sa archipelago

Emotional voyage to Truong Sa archipelago

(VOVWORLD) - Sea and islands are sacred territory of the Vietnamese nation. The Truong Sa (Spratly) archipelago has always been a place that everyone wants to visit. In late April, a delegation departed from Ho...
Wednesday May 17, 2023

Wednesday May 17, 2023

(VOVWORLD) -First and foremost, we’d like to send out a big thanks to all of our faithful listeners for your much appreciated salutations and show of support to the...