Vietnam is a flagship of of ASEAN

Vietnam is a flagship of of ASEAN

(VOVWORLD) - Russia’s website recently published an article by Grigory Trofimchuk, an expert in foreign policy, defense, and security, titled: “Vietnam – the flagship of ASEAN” with special...
Bac Ninh gears up for SEA Games 31

Bac Ninh gears up for SEA Games 31

(VOVWORLD) - The northern province of Bac Ninh will host the venues for four sports for the upcoming SEA Games 31, with the locality now having completed all preparations ahead of...
Wednesday March 30, 2022

Wednesday March 30, 2022

(VOVWORLD) - Last week we received a lot of feedback and comments about our programs, as well as questions about many things in Vietnam
Traditional Tet market opens in Hanoi

Traditional Tet market opens in Hanoi

(VOVWORLD) - People are flocking to the traditional flower markets on Hang Luoc street and Phung Hung street's mural space in Hanoi as the Lunar New Year or Tet is...
Lost on Robinson Island

Lost on Robinson Island

(VOVWORLD) - Situated within a deep-water bay in the south- central coastal province of Khanh Hoa province lies a lesser-known island in Cam Ranh known as Robinson Island,...
Hutong, cultural features familiar to Beijingers

Hutong, cultural features familiar to Beijingers

(VOVWORLD) - Surrounding the imposing and world-famous Beijing architectural landmarks like the Forbidden City and the Old Summer Palace are hutong, narrow streets or alleys, closely linked to the life of commoners in...
Hanoi plans motorbike ban after 2025

Hanoi plans motorbike ban after 2025

(VOVWORLD) -Hanoi plans to ban motorbikes in core districts after 2025, five years earlier than an earlier plan, in order to reduce traffic congestion and emissions