Eye disease: early detection and treatment

Eye disease: early detection and treatment

(VOVWORLD) - Early eye check-ups can help detect eye problems at an early stage to protect eyesight and prevent vision loss. But for various reasons, people tend to visit a...
Ma Ma Me festival of the Kho Mu in Lai Chau

Ma Ma Me festival of the Kho Mu in Lai Chau

(VOVWORLD) - The Kho Mu ethnic minority group in Lai Chau province owns a treasure of unique culture, traditions, and customs. They hold their traditional New Rice Welcome Ritual, known as the Ma Ma...
Exports of many products forecast to increase

Exports of many products forecast to increase

(VOVWORLD) - The Ministry of Industry and Trade forecasts that export in the last quarter of this year will continue to increase because inflation tends to cool down in major economies, such as...
Landslide-hit Tra Leng commune revives

Landslide-hit Tra Leng commune revives

(VOVWORLD) - People in landslide-hit Tra Leng commune in Quang Nam province have moved to the Bang La resettlement area, about 3 km from their old village after 2 disastrous landslides 3...
PM suggests Vietnam, US create cooperation breakthroughs

PM suggests Vietnam, US create cooperation breakthroughs

(VOVWORLD) - Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh suggested Vietnam and the US create breakthroughs in cooperation in science-technology, innovation, and education-training at a meeting with US Trade Representative Katherine Tai...