Washington makes risky move

Washington makes risky move

(VOVWORLD) - Washington on Wednesday announced the reactivation of Title III of the Helms-Burton Act, which allows Americans to sue foreign companies and individuals over property nationalized by the 1959 Revolution in Cuba. The...
Cuban voters approve new constitution

Cuban voters approve new constitution

(VOVWORLD) - Cubans have overwhelmingly ratified a new constitution that enshrines the one-party socialist system as irrevocable while instituting modest economic and social changes, according to Cuba’s national electoral...
Vietnam, Cuba diversify economic ties

Vietnam, Cuba diversify economic ties

(VOVWORLD) - Vietnam and Cuba are working to update their cooperative road map for 2019 with the aim of boosting and diversifying bilateral economic and trade ties
US, Cuba discuss embassy health incidents

US, Cuba discuss embassy health incidents

(VOVWORLD) - US and Cuban officials met at Thursday to discuss the mysterious health problems that have affected more than two dozen American Embassy personnel, a situation that led to a...
Cuba recovers black box from plane crash

Cuba recovers black box from plane crash

(VOVWORLD) - Cuban specialists have recovered in good condition one of the black boxes from the plane that crashed in Havana on Friday which killed 110 people, Cuban Transport Minister Adel...
May Day marked worldwide

May Day marked worldwide

(VOVWORLD) - Thousands of Cubans on Tuesday marched in a ceremony co-chaired by Party leader Raul Castro and President Miguel Diaz-Canel in Revolution Square, in Havana, to celebrate International Workers’ Day (May...
Cuba starts historic transition

Cuba starts historic transition

(VOVWORLD) - Cuba has started a historic transition in which President Raul Castro will step down and hand over his power to a younger successor meaning that for the first time...