Cuba blames unrest on US sanctions

Cuba blames unrest on US sanctions

(VOVWORLD) - Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel on Monday blamed US sanctions for the food shortages, power outages, and other economic shortcomings that fueled protests in Cuba last weekend
60 years of close relations between Vietnam and Cuba

60 years of close relations between Vietnam and Cuba

(VOVWORLD) - On December 2, 1960, Cuba became the first country in the Western hemisphere that had established diplomatic relations with the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, now the Socialist Republic of Vietnam....
Cuba condemns US's new sanctions

Cuba condemns US's new sanctions

(VOVWORLD) - Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez on Wednesday condemned the US’s new sanctions against Cuba, an escalation of the embargos Washington has imposed on Havana for the last...
Wednesday September 23, 2020

Wednesday September 23, 2020

(VOVWORLD) - This week, we continued to receive greetings on VOV’s 75thanniversary from listeners around the world. We highly appreciate the greetings which are sent to our email and on...
Russia, Cuba enhance strategic alliance

Russia, Cuba enhance strategic alliance

(VOVWORLD) - Cuban President Miguel Diaz Canel held talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow on Tuesday during his visit to Russia from Sunday to Wednesday. Early this month, Russian Prime...
US suspends flights to Cuba except Havana

US suspends flights to Cuba except Havana

(VOVWORLD) - The US on Friday announced a suspension of all flights to Cuba, except for capital Havana. This has been the 2nd move in one week to tighten flights to...
Wednesday September 4,2019

Wednesday September 4,2019

(VOVWORLD) - Thank you, listeners, for your congratulations and wishes for Vietnamese National Day, September 2nd, and Voice of Vietnam's 74th founding anniversary on September 7
Wednesday August 28,2019

Wednesday August 28,2019

(VOVWORLD) - First on our show today, we’d like to thank our listeners around the world for greeting us on the occasion of Vietnam’s 74th National Day coming...
Vietnam, Cuba boost economic ties

Vietnam, Cuba boost economic ties

(VOVWORLD) - Vice President Dang Thi Ngoc Thinh and First Vice President of the Cuban Council of State Salvador Valdes Mesa held talks in Havana on Monday, discussing measures to continue...
Move over Hanoi Hannah … meet Havana Hannah

Move over Hanoi Hannah … meet Havana Hannah

(VOVWORLD) - On a summer morning just before Vietnam’s Reunification Day, April 30, an elderly American lady showed up at VOV’s office. All we knew about her was that she used to...
Vietnam, Cuba forge closer ties

Vietnam, Cuba forge closer ties

(VOVWORLD) - Deputy Prime Minister Pham Binh Minh has reiterated Vietnam’s unwavering solidarity, friendship, and support for Cuba, stressing that Vietnam is willing to share its developmental experience with the...