Thailand has caretaker prime minister

Thailand has caretaker prime minister

(VOVWORLD) -Deputy Prime Minister Prawit Wongsuwon is now caretaker prime minister of Thailand while Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha remains in cabinet in his role as defence minister, government spokesman...
Beijing's traditional house siheyuan

Beijing's traditional house siheyuan

(VOVWORLD) - Siheyuan, a word that means “quadrangle” in Chinese, refers to a traditional Chinese compound. For 2,000 years, the quadrangular compound has been considered a template for Chinese architecture. In...
Wednesday December 19, 2018

Wednesday December 19, 2018

(VOVWORLD) - The Christmas season is coming. We have received Christmas and New Year’s Greetings from listeners. VOV will send you some New Year gifts including calendars, stamps, and handmade...
The organization of a typical Viet village

The organization of a typical Viet village

(VOVworld)-Bamboo hedges and village gates symbolize the autonomy of Viet villages. In the past, virtually all daily activities of Vietnamese villagers occurred within the space demarcated by the bamboo hedge....
The Nung close-knit community

The Nung close-knit community

(VOVworld) – Nung society has developed close connections in residence, lifestyle, economics, and culture. The Nung live harmoniously and united in a close-knit community
Hanbok, the traditional costume of Koreans

Hanbok, the traditional costume of Koreans

(VOVworld) - The Koreans love their traditional costume Hanbok just as the Vietnamese love Ao Dai. Hanbok appears at weddings, funerals, folk festivals, special anniversaries and many other Korean events. The term Hanbok means "Korean clothing". One...
Family customs of the San Chi

Family customs of the San Chi

(VOVworld) – The San Chi of Luc Ngan district, Bac Giang province, have strict family rules and hierarchy. Family members love and respect each other without discrimination of daughters- or sons...
Chầu văn - Vietnamese ritual singing

Chầu văn - Vietnamese ritual singing

(VOVworld) - Chầu văn is a Vietnamese form of ritual singing. Chầu means supplication, văn means literature. Chầu văn is a highly rhythmic form of singing that often accompanies “hau dong” (mediumship)...
Muong cuisine

Muong cuisine

(VOVworld) – Muong cuisine has a unique flavor because it is made from ingredients found in the forest and springs. Muong women have always depended on the natural, fresh taste of...
Community spirit of the Mong

Community spirit of the Mong

(VOVworld) – The Mong people live in clusters of a few households in the high mountains. They pay close attention to protecting their identity and unity. People of the same clan...
Fast and sustainable poverty reduction

Fast and sustainable poverty reduction

A government resolution to achieve fast and sustainable poverty reduction in 62 poor districts (Resolution 30a) has been in effect for 3 years. Today’s Current Affairs looks at how...