The Goat in paintings by Le Tri Dung

The Goat in paintings by Le Tri Dung

(VOVworld) - Originally following the topics of war and revolution, 20 years ago, painter Le Tri Dung turned his interest to drawing 12 zodiac animals. He has become successful with paintings of horses...
Wednesday February 4, 2015

Wednesday February 4, 2015

A: First on our show today, we’d like to thank you all for your regular feedback to our broadcasts. As shortwave broadcasting is fading out amidst the explosion of digital...
Ama Kong’s elephant hunting tools

Ama Kong’s elephant hunting tools

(VOVworld) – Ama Kong was called the Elephant King of the Central Highlands. He caught and tamed 298 elephants. When he died at the age of 102 in 2012, his family...
World intervenes in South Sudan conflict

World intervenes in South Sudan conflict

(VOVworld) – UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has recommended that the UN Security Council dispatch 5,500 soldiers and more than 400 policemen to reinforce the UN mission in South Sudan ...
Amazing Vietnamese forests

Amazing Vietnamese forests

(VOVworld) - Over 100 photos capturing fantastic images in forests, national parks and reserves across Vietnam are being displayed at the Youth Cultural House, No.4 Pham Ngoc Thach, Ho Chi...
Sacred animals in Vietnamese culture and architecture

Sacred animals in Vietnamese culture and architecture

(VOVworld) – According to Vietnamese belief, the 4 sacred animals including the dragon, unicorn, tortoise and phoenix symbolize power, intellect, longevity and nobility. Probably, for this meaning, these animals have been...