Sin Ho Plateau- unspoiled beauty

Sin Ho Plateau- unspoiled beauty

(VOVworld) – Sin Ho district in Lai Chau province has attracted more tourists in recent years thanks to its unspoiled nature and the diverse cultures of local ethnic minorities
Visiting Chau Doc fish sauce market

Visiting Chau Doc fish sauce market

(VOVworld) – Chau Doc fish sauce in the southern province of An Giang has been famous for more than a century for its unique flavor and high quality. Located in the riverheads of the Tien and...
Traditional food of the Viet people

Traditional food of the Viet people

(VOVworld) – Each ethnic group in Vietnam has its own distinctive features. The Viet food is diverse and reflects each region’s natural characteristics, production, customs and habits. VOV reporter Bui...
International cuisine in Hanoi

International cuisine in Hanoi

(VOVworld)- Walking along the streets of Hanoi nowadays, you’ll spot many restaurants serving foreign foods as the number of such restaurants has mushroomed in recent years. This means Vietnamese...
Northwestern cultures highlighted in Hanoi

Northwestern cultures highlighted in Hanoi

(VOVworld) - Hanoi residents were treated to colorful performances and exhibitions last week featuring the cultures of northwestern Vietnam. Entitled "The Colors of the Northwestern Region", the show included a wide range of activities such as cultural and...